

White Cross Farm gravel extraction refused by County Council

Cholsey Parish Council presented a statement to the County Council Planning and Regulation Committee meeting on Monday 2nd September emphasising its objection to the proposed extraction and processing of sand and gravel on land at White Cross Farm, Cholsey, next to the Thames. Our objection was based on impacts on the landscape, ecology, flood risks, tranquillity for recreational users, traffic,…

Safety testing of memorials and benches, September 2024

As part of our memorial safety programme, Cholsey Parish Council will be testing the safety of memorials and benches in its burial grounds at St Mary’s Church between 4th September and 11th September 2024, weather allowing. As the landowner, we undertake this work to ensure the burial ground is a safe place for the public to visit. All benches and…

Can you help with our upcoming projects?

The Parish Council is seeking volunteers with experience in construction and/or project management to assist with two community projects: Pavilion Car Park Renovation: If you have construction expertise, we would love to have your advice Recreation Ground Path Project: We are looking for non-Councillor members to join a working group. Help us review survey feedback and plan next steps For…

On verges and trying to find balance

Historically ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ verge cutting has been the responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), but in 2016 many town and parish councils agreed to take this job on. Cholsey Parish Council was one of them and we receive a fixed amount from OCC each year towards this. In recent years the verges have been cut by a commercial mowing…

Public Consultation on Cholsey speed limits

Oxfordshire County Council are asking for views on the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit within Cholsey, replacing the majority of the existing 30mph speed limits in in the process. Comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 26th July 2024. Find out more and complete the survey here: Public consultation on Cholsey speed limits Additionally, new lower speed…

Notice of Casual Vacancy – resignation of Stuart Raisey-Skeats

CHOLSEY PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Stuart Raisey-Skeats A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Cholsey Parish Council The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said…

Notice of Casual Vacancy – resignation of Clive Miners

CHOLSEY PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Clive Miners A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Cholsey Parish Council The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said…

Annual Community Meeting – 11th May 2024

SAVE THE DATE for the 2024 Annual Community Meeting!  11th May 2024 Time: 11 AM – 1 PM drop-in event Cholsey Pavilion, Station Road Come along to find out about the Parish Council’s new Strategic Plan, meet and talk with community organisations, or to share ideas on projects for a healthy, thriving Cholsey! Refreshments available from the Community Café

Council tax 2024/2025 and how we spend your money

The next financial year is coming up and that means new Council tax bills are here. A small portion (approximately 5%) of the Council tax paid by Cholsey residents goes to the Parish Council. For 2024/2025, that portion is £112.18 for a ‘Band D’ property – so around £2 per week. The equivalent figure for 2023/2024 was £106.03. What does…

Notice of Casual Vacancy – resignation of Colin Worley

CHOLSEY PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Colin Worley A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Cholsey Parish Council The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said…

Notice of Casual Vacancy – resignation of Kyn Pomlett

CHOLSEY PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Kyn Pomlett A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Cholsey Parish Council The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said…

Parking restriction consultation open until 3rd November – share your views

A reminder that the Oxfordshire County Council parking restriction consultation for Cholsey is open until 3rd November – share your views by completing the survey here Cholsey – proposed parking restrictions amendments | Let’s Talk Oxfordshire