The Cholsey we Choose
Action Plan 2025 published
In 2024, Cholsey Parish Council published its 5-year Strategic Plan, based on community conversations. As our next step we have developed a detailed Action Plan for 2025, which will help us meet our goals.
Please click below to read the overarching Strategic Plan and CPC’s Action Plan for 2025.
We’d love to hear your thoughts – email us at hello@cholseyparishcouncil.gov.uk
Welcome to Cholsey Parish Council
Cholsey Parish Council is the first level of local government and, as such, has certain duties and discretionary powers to support the quality of life in Cholsey.
Parish Councillors are unpaid, elected representatives working to benefit the Cholsey community, for the present and for the future. We want to be an active part of the community, to listen to resident’s views, and to drive positive changes wherever we can.
You can contact the Parish Office team at clerk@cholseyparishcouncil.gov.uk or on 01491 652255. If we aren’t the correct authority to deal with your query, we can point you in the right direction, and support you if we can.