Update on Papist Way development

The Parish Council is aware of considerable concern and angst over the appeal from Leavesley to develop the green space off of Papist Way for more than 350 homes as well as 80 care and assisted living homes, nursery and commercial buildings. In response, we have created this document to advise you of what we are doing and what you can do in addition. This information will also be available on our website.

Where we stand as a Parish Council:  The Parish Council objected to Leavesley’s application on the basis of conflict with national policy, the South Oxfordshire Local Plan and the Cholsey Neighbourhood Plan.  We highlighted the impact on climate change and drew attention to particular concerns about the capacity of education and health services and of the highway network. Our detailed response can be seen at: https://data.southoxon.gov.uk/ccm/support/dynamic_serve.jsp?ID=1728153380&CODE=DE88AD801E8FC2EA8BD1352CB404C0D7  

Anne Marie Simpson (our elected District Councillor and Cabinet member for planning) confirms that SODC will defend their refusal, however ongoing work on some matters means agreement may be reached on some of the refusal reasons.

The Parish Council will continue to object strongly to the proposal, we will apply for ‘Rule 6’ status to enable us to have advance access to information during the appeal process. This will allow us to prepare for and have a very active role in the Inquiry.

More about Rule 6 Parties can be found here:


Others can apply to be a Rule 6 party but this is not essential in order to be able to participate.  At the start of the Inquiry the Inspector will take the names of any interested parties who wish to speak, and will invite those people to speak at the appropriate time.  In order to streamline the process the Inspectorate encourages people who are making similar points to group together and appoint a single speaker.

If you want to speak at the Inquiry or just submit a written response you will need to provide your objection in advance by 27 June 2022, see details below.

The Parish Council encourages all residents to have their say in whichever way they see fit.

What you can do if you feel passionately against this development:

  • Submit your objection in writing before 27 June 2022.  This is important as it provides a clear demonstration of the weight of opinion against the development.
  • Sign the petition which is circulating.
  • Make a small donation to cover costs.
  • Support the Cholsey Neighbourhood Plan Review

Nearer the Inquiry time:

  • Display a sign
  • Attend the Inquiry, the venue is likely to be local

Send your views to the Planning Inspectorate by 27 June 2022:

Online using the link  https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk

Find the case using reference:  APP/Q3115/W/22/3296251 and quote this in your response

Alternatively, you can write to:

Leanne Palmer, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/J, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN

You do not need to write a huge amount unless you wish to, you should say:

1          Whether you object or support the proposal.

2          The reasons for your objection, this could relate for example to:

  • the amount of development which has already taken place locally,
  • the impact of the proposal on things like landscape and village views,
  • loss of important trees and pressure on natural areas,
  • highway (including pedestrians and cyclists) safety and congestion, 
  • pressure on important services
  • the need for or impact of employment and retail units, nursery and community building in this location.

You could also write to our MP – Sometimes MPs like to help constituents articulate their concerns in such circumstances. They may put their name forward to speak at an inquiry. Our MP’s details are as follows:

David Johnston MP
Tel: 020 7219 6350

The planning application can be seen on the SODC website online at : https://data.southoxon.gov.uk/ccm/support/Main.jsp?MODULE=ApplicationDetails&REF=P21/S1503/O#exactline

And lastly, you may find there are groups local to you that are raising awareness and creating petitions, crowd funds and working groups to ensure that this appeal is rejected. We as a Parish Council have and always will encourage everyone in the village to get involved and have a say.