Safety testing of memorials and benches, September 2024

As part of our memorial safety programme, Cholsey Parish Council will be testing the safety of memorials and benches in its burial grounds at St Mary’s Church between 4th September and 11th September 2024, weather allowing.

As the landowner, we undertake this work to ensure the burial ground is a safe place for the public to visit.

All benches and memorials will be inspected and tested by trained officers using industry-approved procedures. Any memorials found to be unsafe will be either: laid flat, made safe with a temporary stake, or cordoned off to ensure they don’t present a risk to the public. All benches found to be unsafe will be cordoned off or, if necessary, shall be removed.

Parish Council officers do not make memorials or benches permanently safe; this is the responsibility of the grave owner or the person who was permitted to have the bench fitted. Where possible, these people will be contacted by Cholsey Parish Council.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Only members of the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM) can fix memorials in the Burial Ground.

Cholsey Parish Council endeavour to carry out this work with minimal disruption. However, we ask that visitors take note of the safety signs and take care near any marked memorials and benches.