Represent our village as a Parish Councillor!

We need people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences to help make a difference to our wonderful village. We have two Councillor vacancies and would love to hear from you.

For an informal chat about what the Councillor role involves:

  • Email;
  • Call 01491 652255; or
  • Contact a current Councillor via

We are particularly keen to increase the Council’s experience in areas including grants/fundraising, communication and community engagement, estate management and emergency planning.

If you have experience in one of these areas but cannot commit to the Councillor role, your skills could still be hugely valuable to our community by helping us with occasional projects. Please do get in touch.

To become a councillor you must be a British, Commonwealth or EU citizen, over 18 years old, and registered to vote in the area, or have lived, worked, or owned property here for at least a one year.