‘Notice of uncontested election’ for Cholsey Parish Council


Eleven councillors have been duly elected without contest as Parish Councillors for Cholsey. Their details can be found in the above linked notice.

The number of persons elected is short of the number of seats on the council (which is thirteen), but enough persons have been elected to constitute a quorum (i.e. one third of the whole number of members, subject to a minimum of three).

We currently therefore have two Councillor vacancies and would love to hear from you.

It is a great time to join the Council as we are working on a 5-year strategic plan. Councillors are all volunteers working to benefit the community of Cholsey, for the present and for the future. We want to be an active part of the community, to listen to resident’s views, and to drive positive changes wherever we can.

For an informal chat about what the role involves please get in touch by emailing the Clerk, Claire Bird, at clerk@cholseyparishcouncil.gov.uk, calling 01491 652255, or by contacting a current Councillor via the Council web site.

Come and help make a difference to our wonderful village!

To become a councillor you need to be:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • A British citizen, Commonwealth citizen, Irish citizen or European Union citizen
  • Able to answer ‘Yes’ to at least one of the questions below:

Are you on the electoral register for Cholsey?

Have you lived either in the Parish or within three miles of its boundary, for at least a year?

Have you been the owner or tenant of land in the Parish for at least a year?

Have you had your only or main place of work in the Parish for at least a year?