The Parish Council generally meets on the third Wednesday of each month in the Pavilion at 7.15pm, with extra meetings convened as required.
Agendas are published at least 3 clear days before each meeting on noticeboards and the Parish Council website.
For Agendas and forthcoming meeting dates click here.
For previous Minutes click here.
Raising a matter at a meeting
Council meetings are open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend. We kindly ask that you respect the council’s guidelines during these meetings. If you’d like to raise a matter, you can either contact us in advance to be added to the agenda, or you can join the meeting and share your thoughts during the public participation section.
While our meetings don’t include open debates, we truly value your input. To make it easier for you, it may be possible for the Council to bring forward specific agenda items of interest, so you don’t have to stay for the entire meeting.