We are looking for a COMMUNITY ALLOTMENT EVENTS COORDINATOR Self-Employed | £20 per hour Cholsey Parish Council has secured funding from South Oxfordshire District Council to deliver a series of events at Cholsey’s new community allotment in 2025. We are seeking a Coordinator to help bring this project to life. 40 hours total to be worked flexiblyBetween May and October…
Oxfordshire County Council will be carrying out road marking works in March, including refreshing faded yellow lines and implementing changes approved after their 2024 consultation. Work starts: Thursday 20th March (weather permitting) until Saturday 29th March How you can help: Please avoid parking in affected areas when work is taking place. Advance signs and ‘no waiting’ cones will be in…
The following article was written for the Winter 2024 issue of The Forty magazine Our Transport Committee met in October to discuss many transport matters in our village. The Highways team at Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) is responsible for roads and footpaths, and transport projects often require large budgets. The Parish Council can help provide a voice for our community…
In response to ongoing conversation about the management of The Forty on the Cholsey Village Facebook page, Cholsey Parish Council (CPC) would like to provide the following information. Under the 2021 Environment Act, public authorities in England, including town and parish councils, are required to consider how they can conserve and enhance biodiversity. Following village consultation in 2023, CPC has…
Oxfordshire County Council has approved the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Cholsey, following their consultation in July. This means that most roads in the village will become 20mph, with a reduction in speed limit along sections of the Wallingford Road to 40mph and 30mph. The agenda and background to OCC’s decision can be found under item 9 here:https://mycouncil.oxfordshire.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=1219&MId=7553&Ver=4
Cholsey Parish Council presented a statement to the County Council Planning and Regulation Committee meeting on Monday 2nd September emphasising its objection to the proposed extraction and processing of sand and gravel on land at White Cross Farm, Cholsey, next to the Thames. Our objection was based on impacts on the landscape, ecology, flood risks, tranquillity for recreational users, traffic,…
As part of our memorial safety programme, Cholsey Parish Council will be testing the safety of memorials and benches in its burial grounds at St Mary’s Church between 4th September and 11th September 2024, weather allowing. As the landowner, we undertake this work to ensure the burial ground is a safe place for the public to visit. All benches and…
The Parish Council is seeking volunteers with experience in construction and/or project management to assist with two community projects: Pavilion Car Park Renovation: If you have construction expertise, we would love to have your advice Recreation Ground Path Project: We are looking for non-Councillor members to join a working group. Help us review survey feedback and plan next steps For…
Historically ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ verge cutting has been the responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), but in 2016 many town and parish councils agreed to take this job on. Cholsey Parish Council was one of them and we receive a fixed amount from OCC each year towards this. In recent years the verges have been cut by a commercial mowing…