Councillors & Staff
Here you will find contact information for your council members, district councillors, county councillor and parish council staff.
A record of Councillor Registers of Interest can be found on the South Oxfordshire District Council website: Parish council – Cholsey Parish Council (southoxon.gov.uk)
Parish Councillors
David Bamford
Finance Committee
Ginnie Herbert
Lead Climate and Environmental Emergency Working group; Staffing Committee
Jenny Finch
Vice Chair
Johnny Hope-Smith
Climate and Environmental Emergency Working group
Judy Collins
Finance Committee; Transport Working Group; Climate and Environmental Emergency Working Group
Katy Ofield
Staffing Committee
Kyn Pomlett
Parish Councillor
Lis Nixon
Mark Smith
Lead Planning; Finance Committee
Paul Jenkins
Planning; Finance Committee
Steffi Schäfer
Transport Committee
Val Bolt
Staffing Committee
Claire Bird
Clerk and Proper Officer
Lesley Caswell
Estates Manager
Sophie Smith
Assistant Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Vicky Beardall-Richards
Environmental Coordinator
County Councillor
Felix Bloomfield
County Councillor
South Oxfordshire District Councillors
Anne-Marie Simpson
South Oxfordshire District Councillor
Ben Manning
South Oxfordshire District Councillor